Andrew Strahley

Managing Director, Head of Australasia Agricultural Investments


Andrew leads the ongoing strategy, management, and growth of the firm’s Australasian farmland platform. Andrew has extensive experience in farmland agriculture in Australia and other countries. Prior to joining the firm, Andrew held senior management positions with ConAgra and Mitsubishi. Andrew has been a managing director of Hancock Farming Company and Hancock Natural Resource Group Australasia, the property manager for Manulife Investment Management’s Australian assets since its inception. Andrew serves on the farmland investment committee, company boards for the firm’s Australian investment vehicles, chairing each of the firm’s Australian investment vehicles and is a member of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology. 

  • Education: B.S., Applied Science in Agriculture, Charles Stuart University at Wagga
  • Joined the company: 2000     
  • Began career: 1987




Service Languages

  • English