October 4, 2021

Manulife Investment Management’s Regan Smith, Head of Real Estate Sustainability, Honouree of Canada’s 2022 Clean50

Manulife Investment Management is proud to announce that Regan Smith, head of real estate sustainability, has been presented with Canada’s 2022 Clean50 Award, under the Building: Design, Development, and Management category.

Canada’s Clean50 recognizes the country’s leaders in sustainability for their contributions over the past two years. Each year, nominations are collected and reviewed by Delta Management Group to narrow down the Honourees. “The process to narrow down to just 50 Honourees,” said Gavin Pitchford, CEO at Delta Management Group, “this year was extremely difficult for reviewers – we had a record number of nominees. The great news is that there are many wonderful and committed leaders in organizations across Canada, working in many different fields, who are concerned about the course of Canada’s future if we don’t all take action quickly. These individuals are rarely waiting for regulations to drive their organizations forward – but are leading by example and strategically harnessing sustainability as a force for innovation within their organizations. The individuals we chose for the Clean50 this year are true leaders, and should be an inspiration for all Canadians”. For additional information, please visit clean50.com.

Regan Smith has overall accountability for implementing and managing the sustainability strategy across Manulife Investment Management’s global real estate portfolio, totaling over 62 million square feet across 27 cities and 11 countries. She develops strategic programs to address changing global market demand, regulations and policy landscape and investor expectations towards sustainability and corporate ESG. While at Manulife Investment Management, she has helped to advance the growth of the Company’s portfolio’s green building certifications to 80%.1 In 2020, she led the initiative to commit to a GHG target for real estate portfolio, and launched a climate risk program to embed physical risk assessments and resilience across the investment portfolio.2

We are tremendously proud of Regan and her commitment to accelerating our organization’s sustainable initiatives. As a member of Manulife Investment Management’s Climate Change Taskforce, Regan works collaboratively to advance sustainability efforts through the enterprise. Regan represents remarkable leadership, not only within her team and at Manulife Investment Management, but throughout the commercial real estate industry.


1Calculated based on square footage of the gross floor area (GFA) of properties in the global portfolio. Totals from different certification standards do not sum as properties with multiple certifications are only counted once. 2 To learn more about Manulife Investment Management’s sustainability efforts, visit: https://www.manulifeim.com/realestate/en/sustainability/approach-and-highlights