Plan sponsor newsletter

Current issue:  Q3 2024

It’s about time—for targeted member engagement

This quarter’s It’s about time program will help keep your members connected to their savings, their goals, and their future by delivering spending and saving tips for the busy summer months.

The Q3 financial well-being newsletter will be emailed to eligible members beginning in July and will focus on vacationing on a budget and opportunities to learn, plan, and save on the go through Manulife Mobile.

In September, your members will receive important outreach encouraging them to add/update a beneficiary to their account or to set a goal (if they don’t already have one). Members will only receive an email if it's relevant to their plan and individual circumstance. They'll get one of two messages, with beneficiary taking precedence.

Don’t forget that as a plan sponsor, you have access to additional ready-made campaigns you can share with your employees. In August, the It’s about time program will deliver our “Investing for the long-term" campaign. The campaign will be available on the program page later in August and is designed to help your members learn to try to tune out market noise and stay focused on their long-term financial goals.

Visit the It’s about time program page at any time to view samples of our member communications and upcoming initiatives and to download advocacy campaigns that you can integrate into your own internal communication channels.

Webinars: our 2023 results and what's to come in 2024

In 2023, our webinar program saw remarkable growth. We’re excited to continue offering resourceful webinars that support and inform members.

Highlights of 2023

  • Our webinar registrations increased by 154%
  • We developed two new webinars topics:

            1 Tax planning strategies for your savings

            2 Taking the stress out of money

  • We improved our email design to better communicate our webinar offerings with members
  • See complete 2023 webinar results here.

What we’ve done in 2024 so far

  • Migrated our registration data warehouse to Canada, allowing us to open our audience to all members, who can now register for webinars through various platforms beyond email, such as the mobile app, secure site, Retirement Redefined, and the Learning Centre
  • Launched the financial well-being quarterly newsletter, which includes a webinar registration message
  • Built on the success of the "Tax planning strategies for your savings" webinar by introducing a new webinar titled "Taxes and your retirement income"
  • Developed our first on-demand webinar, with plans to create more based on demand

What's to come in 2024

  • We’re developing a new "Countdown to retirement" webinar
  • Check out all the available webinars here

We encourage you to promote the webinars with your employees directly, along with some helpful resources that can be found in the Financial Wellness section of the Educate Your Members site:

Our summer of savings contest for members is on now

We’re excited to announce that our summer of savings contest is on now!

This summer, members who sign in to their group retirement account on the Manulife Mobile app are automatically entered for a chance to win one of three $5,000 cash prizes.

We’ll draw a name each month of the summer: June, July, and August.

Check out our contest page for more details.