It's about time

Our personalized member engagement program delivers timely, relevant messages and resources right when members need them most—keeping your retirement program top of mind.

Program overview

Your members already have access to one of the easiest ways to save for their future—your group retirement program. It’s about time helps motivate them to make the most of it by:


• Helping them take control of their finances

• Encouraging them to take action

• Supporting their progress toward retirement with relevant, personalized, and targeted guidance


Supporting members during their first year with us, using nudges to encourage them to set up their Manulife ID, set a retirement income goal, download our Manulife Mobile app, and consolidate their savings

Financial wellness

Educating members with targeted guidance about how to manage their competing financial priorities and all the tools and resources your program offers to help them navigate their financial concerns

Retirement goals

Motivating members to improve their retirement strategy with calls to action, such as setting a retirement savings goal, and naming their beneficiaries, based on their individual needs

Member onboarding experience

We support every new member with a series of emails highlighting the features and resources that your program offers to help them save and make the most of their options. The email messaging is dynamic and individualized based on member behaviour and available plan features.


We welcome members to their Manulife group retirement program and suggest they get set up for success by setting up their Manulife ID and checking on their investments.

Welcome email

Getting started 

Members are encouraged to jump right into their retirement planning by setting a savings goal.

Getting started email

Manulife Mobile app

Our highly rated mobile app allows members to monitor their retirement savings, review educational material, and make changes—all on the go.

Mobile email

Combining retirement accounts 

Members learn that they can enjoy lower fees, greater rewards, and a bit more time back in their days by consolidating all their savings here at Manulife—one website, one sign in, one group retirement program.

Consolidation email


Coming soon. 

Members eligible for PlanRight will receive information about the program. Those who aren’t will receive messaging on our learning resources and tools.

Member touchpoints

We use data-driven messages, personalized suggestions, and financial wellness-oriented education events to engage and motivate your members.

Financial well-being quarterly

Personalized tips and education to help members improve their financial well-being—based on age, available plan features, and digital behaviors—delivered four times per year.

Member outreach

Targeted and segmented messaging that provides personalized nudges through email to help improve members' retirement readiness.

Live webinars

A series of live sessions, hosted by our financial education specialists, that provide education and guidance members can put to work right away.

  • View our webinar lineup
  • General webinar overview
  • General webinar descriptions
Important disclosures

Messaging is tailored to members based on age (under or over age 50), plan status, and other factors. Not all members will receive all messages. Schedules and content are subject to change. 

Quarter 1

Sidelining financial stress and strengthening financial wellness

It’s the start of a new year—no better time for your members to set their financial priorities and retirement goals and come up with a plan to reach them.



Financial well-being quarterly


  • Strengthening financial wellness
  • Setting an annual strategy
Over 50 Under 50



Member outreach


  • Retirement goals: setting a retirement goal and savings opportunities (for RRSP-eligible members only)
  • Webinar invite: tax planning for your savings
Email: RRSP Webinar invite: Over 50 Webinar invite: Under 50
Quarter 2

Steps to stay on track

Tax time might be over, but members are encouraged to stay engaged with their finances and plan ahead to stay on track with their goals.



Financial well-being quarterly


  • Steps to keep on track
  • Ways to reduce income tax liability for next year



Member outreach


  • Webinar invite: Getting started with investing/understanding OAS and CPP (age-based promotion)
Quarter 3

Celebrate your wins

Summer is the season of fun and festivity. It’s a chance for members to celebrate the progress they’ve made toward their financial goals and priorities.



Financial well-being quarterly


  • Checking in on midyear progress
  • Midyear market outlook and trends




Member outreach


  • Setting a retirement savings goal
  • Opportunities to meet goals (for RRSP-eligible members only)
  • Webinar invite: estate planning
Quarter 4

Stay budget focused and cybersafe

As the year wraps up, members are encouraged to stay focused on budgets for holiday spending and stay secure with Cybersecurity Awareness Month.



Financial well-being quarterly


  • Budget-friendly tips for holiday spending
  • Keeping accounts and savings safe
  • Financial Literacy Month
  • On-demand webinar: cyber safety

Advocacy campaigns

Canadian workers want to hear from their employers on financial wellness. Most (79%)¹ believe it’s important for their workplace to offer these resources and over 6 out of 10 say it increases their productivity. Our ready-to-use campaigns can be easily shared to help employees with their goals, including balancing financial priorities, investing, and creating meaningful aspirations.


Sidelining financial stress and strengthening financial wellness


Steps to help members stay on track with goals


Steps to stay on track


Reviewing steps members can take to improve their strategy


Celebrate your wins


A guide to finishing the year strong


Holiday break

Important disclosure

1 Manulife financial resilience and longevity report, 2024.

Resources to help members understand key financial wellness topics

Check out these resources and more available through "Educate your members" in the secure sponsor site.