
機関投資家向けサイト(以下「サイト」といいます。)の運営者は、Manulife Financial Corporation(以下「マニュライフ・ファイナンシャル」といいます。)のグローバルな資産管理部門であるManulife Investment Managementです。地域別セクションは、それぞれのセクションに表示されているManulife Investment Managementの現地の法人によって運営されています。サイト上での情報提供は、地域によっては現地の法令により制限を受けることがあります。サイトの情報は、選択された地域以外の個人又は事業体の閲覧又は利用に供することを意図しておりません。よって、居住地・所在地以外のページにアクセスする場合には、当該地域に適用される制限を確認し遵守していただく必要があります。

サイトの閲覧及び利用を希望される場合には、以下のご利用条件(以下「グローバル条件」といいます。)を受諾するのみならず、その拘束を受け、かつこれに服することに同意していただく必要があります。Manulife Investment Managementサイトのすべてのページ(Manulife Investment Managementの現地の法人が運営する地域別セクションも含まれます。)に対し、グローバル条件が適用されます。これらのグローバル条件に同意されない場合、サイトの閲覧又は利用はご遠慮ください。インターネット・ユーザーがいかなる方法でサイトを利用するかにかかわらず、すべてのグローバル条件が適用されます。サイトを利用された場合、これらのグローバル条件を受諾されたことになります。







現地の法人によって運営されていることが明示されていない限り、サイトはManulife Investment Managementによって運営されています。地域別セクションは、各セクションに表示されたManulife Investment Managementの現地の法人により運営されています。

サイトには、Manulife Investment Managementグループに属する特定の資産運用会社についての情報も掲載されています。サイトで言及されている商品及びサービスは、以下のManulife Investment Management関連会社(地域別にアルファベット順で一覧表示しています)のうち1社又は複数の会社から提供されている場合があります。

カナダ: Manulife Investment Management Limited; Manulife Investment Management (North America) Limited; Manulife Investment Management Distributors Inc.; Manulife Investment Management Private Markets (Canada) Corp.

中国: Manulife Overseas Investment Fund Management (Shanghai) Limited Company

欧州経済領域(EEA):アイルランド中央銀行の規制下にあるManulife Investment Management (Ireland) Limited

香港特別行政区: Manulife Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited

インドネシア: Pt Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia


マレーシア: Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad(旧Manulife Asset Management Services Berhad)登録番号:200801033087 (834424-U)

フィリピン: Manulife Asset Management and Trust Corporation

シンガポール: Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.(会社登記番号:200709952G)

スイス: Manulife Investment Management (Europe) Limited

台湾: Manulife Investment Management (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

英国: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 規制下にあるManulife Investment Management (Europe) Limited

米国: Manulife Investment Management (US) LLC; Manulife Investment Management Private Markets (US) LLC; Hancock Natural Resource Group, Inc. 

ベトナム: Manulife Investment Fund Management (Vietnam) Company Ltd.


サイトに掲載された情報について何らの保証をするものではありません。Manulife Investment Managementは、サイトに表示されている情報及び意見が公開日の時点では正確と思料しますが、サイト・コンテンツの正確性、完全性、最新性又は真正性を保証するものではありません。





サイトにおいて市場データ(ニュース・レポート、外部のアナリスト・レポート、リサーチ、最終売却取引データ、証券価格見積その他の証券及び証券市場に関する情報。以下「市場データ」といいます。)を閲覧できることがあります。Manulife Investment Managementでは、市場データをManulife Investment Managementとは無関係の第三者から入手することがあります。サイトに提供される市場データの情報源が信頼しうると思料される場合でも、市場データの内容、正確性、完全性、適時性、適切性又は信頼性につき、Manulife Investment Managementは責任を負わず、何らの保証も行いません。

市場データは「現状有姿」かつ「提供可能な限りにおいて」提供されます。市場データその他の情報の誤り、不備又は利用不能による失われた収益、取引上の損失その他の損害については、Manulife Investment Managementは責任を負いかねます。サイトを介してアクセス可能な市場データその他の情報については、Manulife Investment Managementは、これを更新し、又は引き続き提供する義務を負いません。


サイトにおいて又はサイトを介して提供されるコンテンツは「現状有姿」かつ「提供可能な限りにおいて」提供されるものであり、いかなる種類の保証(明示と黙示の如何を問いません。)もなく、お客様の全面的な責任において利用される旨に同意していただきます。サイト(地域別セクションも含まれます。)については、Manulife Investment Managementは、(A) いかなる時期又は場所においても安全又は利用可能なこと、(B) 不備若しくはエラーが訂正されること、又は (C) ウイルスその他の有害なコンポーネントを含んでいないこと、を保証又は表明するものではありません。地域によっては黙示的な保証の放棄が許可されていないため、お客様に上記の免責事項が適用されない場合もあります。

お客様には、グローバル条件に基づく義務のいずれかに違反して提供された情報を操作若しくは利用し又は第三者に供給したことに直接又は間接的に起因する傷害、損失、損害又は費用に関する第三者請求について、合理的な弁護士料金も含め、すべてのManulife Investment Management事業体(その親会社、関連会社又は関係会社も含まれます。)並びにその役員、取締役、従業員及び代理人に対して補償することに同意していただきます。

お客様がサイトを介してManulife Investment Managementに対して何らかの情報を直接送信されたか、又は第三者たるインターネットその他のサービス・プロバイダーを介して何らかの情報を送信された場合、サイトを利用して情報を送受信する間に生じた何らかの欠落又は不具合についてはお客様の責任となります。サイトは、時間的制約を伴う指示を送信するようには設計されていません。すなわち、時間的制約を伴う指示の送信を目的としてサイトを利用された場合に何らかの損害が生じたときにはお客様の責任となり、時間的制約のある情報についてはご自身の責任で送信していただきます。

お客様又は第三者によるサイトの利用又は利用不能に直接又は間接的に起因する、ないしは当該利用又は利用不能に関連して発生した直接損害、間接損害、付随的損害賠償、特別損害、懲罰的損害賠償又は派生的損害(失われた収益、逸失利益、事業機会の喪失、データの喪失、損害賠償金、費用、経費などを含みますが、これらに限定されません。)については、Manulife Investment Management、その役員、関係者、管理職、構成員、取締役、代理人、従業員又は関連会社のいずれも、お客様又は第三者に対して、以下をはじめとするあらゆる責任を負わないことに同意していただきます。

A. 信頼性


B. 侵害その他


C. 不可抗力

政府による規制、ストライキ、戦争、天災その他、Manulife Investment Managementの支配が及ばない状況によってManulife Investment Managementが履行遅滞又は履行不能に陥ること。


別段の定めがある場合を除き、サイト上の情報に対する著作権その他すべての知的財産権はManulife Investment Management又はその関連会社に帰属します。サイトに含まれる情報については、全部と一部の如何を問わず、複写、再作成、複製、改変、盗用、貸与、販売、配布してはならず、譲渡することもできません。ただし、これらのグローバル条件に従ってサイトにアクセスし、個人用途のために印刷物を作成し、又は所属組織での内部使用のためにサイトのページを合理的な部数に限り複製することを目的とする場合はその限りでありません。ユーザーは、サイトの内部又は画面に表示される著作権、商標権、営業秘密権その他の財産権に関する通知を除去、改変又は隠ぺいしてはならず、コンテンツの複製を自ら作成し、又は代理人に作成させた場合には、その複製に前記通知を再現するものとします。

サイトからのリンクを通じて当社の管理下にないサイトを訪問された場合、そのコンテンツについて当社は何ら推奨するものではなく、いかなる責任も負いません。お客様には、Manulife Investment Managementがそのような第三者のサイト又はリソースの可用性について責任を負わず、当該サイト若しくはリソースにおいて又は当該サイト若しくはリソースから入手可能なコンテンツ、広告、製品等を推薦、承認、調査又は検証するものではなく、これらについて責任を負わないことを認めていただきます。Manulife Investment Managementは、そのような外部のサイト又はリソースにおいて入手可能な当該コンテンツ、製品又はサービスを利用又は信頼したことに起因又は関連して発生した、ないしは発生したと主張される損害又は損失について、直接と間接の如何を問わず責任を負わないこともご了承ください。これらのリンクは、便宜を図るために設定されており、情報提供のみを目的としています。Manulife Investment Managementは、リンク先サイトの会社から提供されている有価証券その他の商品又はサービスを投資又は売買の対象として推奨しておらず、リンク先サイトに含まれている情報の検証又は確認も行っておりません。したがって、Manulife Investment Managementはリンク先サイトに関し一切の責任を負いません。

その他のサイトについては、Manulife Investment Managementが書面にて事前に許可した場合を除き、サイトのいかなる部分にリンクすることも許可されていません。

サイトの全体で使用されている名称、語句、ロゴ、アイコン、グラフィック、イメージ又はデザイン(上記デザイン・マークも含まれます。)は、The Manufacturers Life Insurance Companyやその子会社又は関連会社の商号、未登録又は登録済みの商標、サービスマーク(以下「本件商標」)に該当する可能性があります。本件商標をサイトに表示することは、本件商標を使用する暗黙的な使用許諾が第三者に付与されていることを意味するものではありません。Manulife及びMのデザイン、並びにManulife Investment ManagementとMのデザインの組み合わせは、The Manufacturers Life Insurance Companyの商標であり、同社のみならず、ライセンスに基づき同社の関連会社にも使用されています。



The Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA), a portion of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act known as DMCA Section 512, is a U.S. federal law that provides a safe harbor to online service providers that promptly take down content if someone alleges it infringes their copyright. In accordance with this Act, Manulife Investment Management has implemented procedures for receiving written notification of claimed infringements and for processing such claims.

If you believe that your work has been copied on this website in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact our Copyright Agent listed below, who is designated pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2), with the following information:

  1. Your address, telephone number, and/or email address;
  2. Identification of the allegedly infringing material that is to be removed or disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material (including, if possible, a link to the material);
  3. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works;
  4. A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  5. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed; and
  6. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Manulife Investment Management's Agent for Notice of claims of copyright infringement can be reached as follows:

Copyright Agent:

Joshua Cook
Manulife Investment Management
197 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA  02116
Phone: 1 (617) 572-9180
Email: joshuacook@jhancock.com











これらのグローバル条件の条項の全体又は一部が、何らかの理由によって無効又は強制不能と判断された場合でも、そのように判断された条項又はその一部のみが影響を受け、当該条項の残余部分又は他の条項は何らの影響も受けません。Manulife Investment Management及びユーザーは、無効又は強制不能と判断された条項については、裁判所又は仲裁人がこれを実質的な内容が可能な限り類似する有効な条項へと差し替えることを認めます。Manulife Investment Managementがユーザーその他の者による違反に関して対処しなかった場合でも、将来又は同様の違反に関して対処する権利を放棄したことにはなりません。

















Location-Specific Legal Information

Americas Offshore:  This site is intended for intermediaries, which are fully responsible for any use made of the site and must observe all local laws of their jurisdiction as well as any laws applicable to their clients, and for institutional investors.  

Information provided about Manulife Irish UCITS funds (the “Funds”) relates to sub-funds of either Manulife Investment Management I PLC, which is an open-ended umbrella company with segregated liability between its sub-funds or Manulife Investment Management II ICAV, which is an umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds. Each of these umbrella entities has been authorized in Ireland as a UCITS Fund and certain Funds have been authorized for public sale in certain jurisdictions within the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and Switzerland. No Fund is currently or is expected to be authorized for public sale in any other jurisdiction, and thus may only be sold under applicable private placement rules. The manager of all funds is Manulife Investment Management (Ireland) Limited (“MIMIL”); distribution of the funds in Europe and Switzerland is authorized by MIMIL and Manulife Investment Management (Europe) and by John Hancock Investment Management Distributors LLC to certain intermediaries outside of the EU. No fund may be offered or sold to US citizens or residents.

Any decision to invest in any Fund should be based on a review of the terms of the prospectus, including the relevant supplement, the relevant Key Investor Information Document (KIID), and the latest annual and semiannual financial statements, which are available in English on the site.

Advisory services are offered by various Manulife Investment Management entities to qualified institutional investors where permitted under local law. 

Canada:  This website is operated by Manulife Investment Management Limited, Manulife Investment Management (North America) Limited, Manulife Investment Management Distributors Inc. and Manulife Investment Management Private Markets (Canada) Corp. The website is directed only to residents of Canada that are "accredited investors" as defined under National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus and Registration Exemptions ("NI 45-106") section 1.1 and that are resident in any of the provinces of Canada (hereinafter the "Offering Jurisdictions".) Therefore, only investors that satisfy these eligibility criteria should be accessing this website.

Manulife Investment Management Limited's affiliated managers may not be registered in and may not be permitted to provide investment advice directly to clients in all or any Canadian jurisdictions. In such cases, Canadian resident investors may only be able to gain access to them through Manulife Investment Management Limited. Except as specifically permitted and subject to applicable restrictions and regulations, the products or services of Manulife Investment Management Limited’s affiliated managers are not offered outside their intended countries or regions. Manulife Investment Management Limited provides access to the investment services of its non-Canadian affiliates through funds and other products and services that are intended for Canadian residents only.

Certain of the funds and strategies described herein may only be available only to Canadian residents, or more specifically to “accredited investors.” Prospective investors who are not resident in Canada should consult their advisor to determine if the funds and strategies described herein may be lawfully sold in their jurisdiction.

China: This website is directed only to residents of the People’s Republic of China (“China”) which are institutional investors. Therefore, only investors that satisfy these eligibility criteria should be accessing this website.  Unless otherwise approved by the regulations on securities and funds of the People’s Republic of China, any funds and strategies mentioned in this website shall neither be directly and/or indirectly offered nor sold in the People’s Republic of China (not including Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR or Taiwan in this regard).

The information displayed on this website may be incomplete or condensed or may be obtained from various sources and Manulife Investment Management does not make any warranty, expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or completeness and thus assumes no responsibility of it. Location-specific sections of this website does not mean that all the information displayed on this website is limited to the Manulife Investment Management entity identified in those sections. This website may include the information of the Manulife Investment Management entities across the regions. The experience, capabilities, viewpoints and any other information displayed shall not be regarded as the information of the Manulife Investment Management entity identified in those sections itself, nor shall it be relied upon as a guarantee of the experience, capabilities or performance of such entity.

Any investment in a fund or strategy mentioned in this website should be made on the basis of the sale documentation (for example, fund prospectuses, investment policy statement or other applicable terms and conditions) with respect to individual investment. Before making any decisions on investment, investors shall carefully read the specific sale documentation. Investors may be subject to foreign exchange control approval and filing requirements under the relevant Chinese foreign exchange regulations, as well as offshore investment approval requirements. Investors shall be liable for obtaining all the necessary approvals and making all the necessary filings for any investment. Pursuant to the provisions of anti-money laundering regulations, you may be required to submit other documentation for identification purposes when making an investment. The details are contained in the relevant offering document(s).

European Economic Area: This portion of the website is operated by Manulife Investment Management (Ireland) Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. This section of the website is only intended for the information of intermediaries and institutional investors resident in the European countries in which Manulife Investment Management products may be sold unless otherwise stated and is not suitable for individual investors. If you are an individual investor please leave this section of the website immediately. All of the information on this site is also approved for publication by Manulife Investment Management (Ireland) Limited whose registered office is located at Second Floor, 5 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland, registration number 635225.

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Indonesia: This website is operated by PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia, which is an investment management and investment advisor company licensed in Indonesia. All of the information on this site is approved for publication by PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia, whose registered office is located at Sampoerna Strategic Square, South Tower, 31st floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 45-46, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia. PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia is registered with and supervised by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority. This section of the website is only directed at institutional investors. Individual investors resident in Indonesia and those resident or domiciled in territories other than Indonesia is suggested not to access this website. Products and services offered by PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia are being set up under the laws of jurisdiction of Republic of Indonesia and are not meant to be offered to parties outside jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia where in such jurisdiction registration of the products and services offered by PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia is prerequisite.

Malaysia: This website is operated by Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad (formerly known as Manulife Asset Management Services Berhad),  Registration No: 200801033087 (834424-U) (“Manulife IM (Malaysia)”), which is regulated by the Securities Commission Malaysia. This section of the website is only directed at Malaysian based institutional investors and is not intended for individual investors or institutional investors who domiciled in any jurisdiction/ country other than Malaysia. All of the information on this site is approved for publication by Manulife IM (Malaysia), whose registered office is located at 16th Floor Manara Manulife, No. 6 Jalan Gelenggang, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Philippines: This website, which is operated by Manulife Asset Management, contains materials pertaining to the Philippines and includes information and resources provided by Manulife Investment Management and Trust Corporation, a subsidiary of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.), Inc., a trust corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the Philippines and regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Singapore: This website is operated by Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Company Registration No. 200709952G) ("Manulife Singapore"), which is an entity regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Manulife Singapore is a member of the Investment Management Association of Singapore (IMAS), and an approved fund management company under the Central Provident Fund Investment Scheme (CPFIS). This website is intended for accredited investors and institutional investors as defined in the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) (“SFA”), and who are domiciled in Singapore with sufficient sophistication and investment experience to independently assess the merits of an investment in any product described herein and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in the United States, or any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation, or which would subject Manulife Singapore (including its affiliates) (collectively hereafter "Manulife") or any of Manulife's products or services to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country.

These Terms shall be subject to, governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore, and you hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore Courts.

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The security of electronic mail sent through the internet is not guaranteed. Do not send sensitive or confidential information to us via electronic mail. Delivery, and timely delivery, of electronic mail is also not guaranteed. Manulife therefore recommends that you do not send time-sensitive or action-oriented messages to us through electronic mail. Manulife may not, and is not obliged to, process your requests, orders, or instructions until Manulife can confirm your instructions or obtain appropriate written documentation where it deems necessary. Manulife shall not be under any obligation whatsoever, express or implied, to reply to unsolicited correspondence, communications or email or to acknowledge receipt of the same.

Switzerland: This portion of the website is operated by Manulife Investment Management (Europe) Limited (“Manulife”), which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). The following web pages contain information on the foreign collective investment schemes distributed by Manulife Investment Management (Ireland) Limited (“Fund/s”) which have been approved by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for distribution in or from Switzerland   Information on the Swiss Representative and Paying Agent is available on each Fund page.

The information contained in the following pages is only directed to “qualified investors” as defined in Article 10(3) and (3ter) CISA and its implementing ordinance, at the exclusion of qualified investors with an opting-out pursuant to Art. 5(1) of the Swiss Federal Law on Financial Services ("FinSA") and without any portfolio management or advisory relationship with a financial intermediary pursuant to Article 10(3ter) CISA. 

Qualified investors pursuant to Article 10 para 3 CISA are Institutional and Professional clients pursuant to FinSA, more specifically: 
·  Institutional Client (as defined under Art. 4 para. 3 and 4 FinSA), more specifically as :
o   A Swiss financial intermediary as defined in the Federal Banking Act ("BA"), the Federal Financial Institutions Act ("FinIA") and the CISA (i.e., bank, securities firm, fund management company, manager of collective assets, portfolio manager, trustee, representative of foreign collective investment scheme, SICAV, limited partnership for collective investment, SICAF); 
o   A Swiss insurance company as defined in the Federal Insurance Supervision Act ("ISA");
o   A foreign institution subject to a prudential supervision as the institutions listed under the two categories above;
o   A central bank;
o   A national or supranational public entity with professional treasury operations*;
o   A Swiss or foreign collective investment scheme or a management company for such collective investment schemes which is not covered by the categories above but wishes to be considered as an Institutional Client (Art. 5 para. 4 FinSA).
·  Professional Client (as defined under Art. 4 para. 3 FinSA), more specifically as: 
o   A public entity with professional treasury operations*;
o   An pension fund/scheme with professional treasury operations*;
o   A company with professional treasury operations*;
o   A large company (i.e., a company which exceeds two of the following parameters: a) balance sheet total of CHF 20 million; b) turnover of CHF 40 million; c) equity of CHF 2 million);
o   A private investment structure with professional treasury operations* created for High-net-worth retail clients;

·       An entity is deemed to have professional treasury operations if its finances are managed, on a durable basis, by a professionally qualified person with experience in the financial sector, regardless of the fact that this person is internal or external to such entity.

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